Monday, April 8, 2013

You Gotta Fight For Your Right to Coupon

You Gotta Fight For Your Right to… COUUUUUPON!

So yesterday I was lucky enough to get some of the razors that were money makers @ my nearest Rite Aid. I got the last 2.


But 2 is better than none so I took those razors and ran like a coupon bandit to the register.


As my mother and I rang up the two razors I gave the man my coupons. He scanned the one fine when he went to the other it would not accept it.

So he looked up and said I couldn’t use the coupon.
So I politely asked why was that.
He stated the register wasn’t accepting it and I could only use one.
I politely told him it’s because the coupon exceeded the amount of the item and the coupon had to be priced down in order for it to work according to their coupon policy, and that I was able to use up to 4 coupons in one shopping trip, 1 per item as stated in the coupon’s fine print.

So he took a deep sigh as though I had asked him to cross the Euphrates River with nothing but a purple dinosaur swimmy. He grunted he had to call his manager. And I was more than happy to wait for her.

When she arrived he explained to her my situation and asked if I could even use another coupon since I used one. The manager looked at the coupon, and I told her clearly it states I can use one per item up to 4 in the same trip and I was only using two. He was very adamant that I couldn’t use two coupons. She agreed that I was in the clear for using my coupons (YESSSSS) as long as I had two items which I did. So he asked his manager if it was even possible for me to get it, it’s less than the item price. So I kindly referred to their coupon policy stating it could be priced down and that I had the coupon policy on my phone straight from their website (GO ANDROID PHONE! Lol) (I have no ink for my printer right now lol). The manager didn’t even look at the policy she looked at the cashier and said yeah we can do that. Just price the item to 2.99. And with that he did.

My total? .42 cents.

As I finished my transaction he was shaking his head. My mother being the feisty woman she is said “In this economy you have to survive”. I didn’t even notice him shaking his head frankly I didn’t care. He could have shook his head until the contents rattled like a maraca, I was not concerned with his loss of the extra 2 minutes it took for him to call a manager and for her to arrive. My eyes were focused on my bounty of 20 razors. And at the end of my receipt there were $4.00 beautiful +UP rewards waiting. Ahhhhh… money made for buying items I use. Who’s laughing now buddy boy?

 I’m sure I’ll bump into the Music Man again in Rite Aid as I see him working all the time.
And the next time I’m in his line again I’ll be waiting with the same smile to challenge his “no”.

Things Learned:
Some people are just miserable in life.
Training at a job not always covers things like inside and out coupon knowledge.
Keep your coupon policies with you and know them.
Wait for a manager if need be, there are other registers and if not those people can thank the cashier that doesn’t know his/her own store’s policies.
Be prepared to confront misinformation. People are quicker to say “We can’t do this and/or You can’t use that” Than actually finding out. Question it. Be persistent.
Be POLITE at all times. Don’t be a crazy coupon lady (or man)! It’s not worth getting upset over razors or anything without a beating heart for that matter. Even the nasty cashiers or people, just stay calm. Things work out and if not just go to another store and coupon there.
When people shake their heads, blow it off. There’s nothing wrong with couponing. That’s what it’s there for. And if all else fails enjoy the soothing sounds of the maraca from the other person’s hollow head. Shame on them for looking down on you for being a sale GENIUS lol
Most importantly: Enjoy your bounty!


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